Somatic Approaches to Performance

Course Code
ECTS Credits
6th Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category
Performing Arts

Gina Giotaki

Course Description

This module introduces and studies contemporary practices in dance and movement, and performance theories with a focus on the lived experience of the performer. The course focuses on somatic approaches to movement and to the creative process of a choreographic piece of work or a performance. It studies examples from modern, post-modern and contemporary dance. Drawing connections between theoretical approaches and practices, the course examines somatic practices as training methods in dance and performance, and analyses the way in which these approaches influence the performative phenomenon and develop performance skills. The course also makes reference to practices such as: physical theatre, dance theatre and actor training methods such as Meyerhold’s Biomechanics and Grotowski’s Poor Theatre. Students study the application of contemporary somatic approaches to: a. the creative process of choreographic practice, and, b. to artistic work created for specific community contexts. The course positions somatic approaches in a conceptual framework and introduces students to phenomenological theories such as that of Merlau-Ponty, Horton Fraleigh and Sandra Reeve aiming towards: a. the development of performance and choreographic skills and b. an understanding, distinction and broadening of the application contexts of somatic practices and their potential contribution on well-being, through a contemporary scholarly discourse.